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Profile Bio: Who is Arthur Taxier?
Arthur Taxier (born January 19, 1951) is an American character actor, best known for the role of Lieutenant Carl Zymak in the TV series Midnight Caller. He also played the recurring role of Dr. Morton Chegley in the TV series St. Elsewhere, between 1983 and 1988. He played William Weiderman in the Tales from the Darkside episode Sorry, Right Number (1987), written by Stephen King.
When is Arthur Taxier birthday?
Arthur Taxier was born on January 19, 1951.
How old is Arthur Taxier?
Arthur Taxier is currently 74 years old.
How tall is Arthur Taxier?
Arthur Taxier is 6′ 2½″ (1.89 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
As of April 2012, was living in Cambria, CA.
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