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Profile Bio: Who is Anne Edmonds?
Anne Elizabeth Gabrielle Edmonds (born 11 October 1979) is an Australian comedian and actor best known for her stand-up work and for creating and starring in the ABC comedy series The Edge of the Bush. Beginning her career in comedy at 29 (2010) after working in mental health in rural Australia, Edmonds uses her suburban background, singing/songwriting and storytelling to create a fearless, self-deprecating and often macabre stand up voice. Humiliation and despair are central themes to Edmonds' comedy, as are stories of teenage mischief, sex, failure, relationships and loneliness.
When is Anne Edmonds birthday?
Anne Edmonds was born on October 11, 1979.
How old is Anne Edmonds?
Anne Edmonds is currently 45 years old.
How tall is Anne Edmonds?
Anne Edmonds Height: Currently Not Available
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