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Profile Bio: Who is Andrew Bursiaga?
Andrew Bursiaga was born May 8, 2000 in Wyoming to Jose and Julia Bursiaga, both who served in the United States Air Force. Andrew discovered his love for acting and filmmaking at a young age of 12. His interest began to grow even stronger about the film industry and soon began to soak in as much knowledge as possible. In his teenage years he adopted the Stanislavski acting method and began to make more of his own films. He shared the same interest as some of his other friends and all began to work with each other, however, it was always going to be a new set of friends every few years due to the military orders his father received.
When is Andrew Bursiaga birthday?
How old is Andrew Bursiaga?
Andrew Bursiaga is currently 24 years old.
How tall is Andrew Bursiaga?
Andrew Bursiaga is 5′ 7″ (1.70 m) tall.
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