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Profile Bio: Who is Alexi Pappas?
Alexi Pappas is a Greek-American long distance athlete, film writer, producer and actress.
When is Alexi Pappas birthday?
How old is Alexi Pappas?
Alexi Pappas is currently 34 years old.
How tall is Alexi Pappas?
Alexi Pappas Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Alexi Pappas?
Alexi Pappas zodiac sign is Aries.
Where is Alexi Pappas from?
Alexi Pappas was born in Alameda, California, USA.
What is Alexi Pappas nationality?
Alexi Pappas is originally from USA.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Her personal best in the 26.2 mile marathon was 2:34.26 which she set in Houston, Texas in 2020. This was 46 seconds shy of the Greek national record. Competed in the 10,000 meter at the 2016 Rio Olympics. She set a Greek national record of 31.36. Her memoir "Bravey" is scheduled to be released in January 2021.
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