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Profile Bio: Who is Abby Fitz?
Abby Fitz is an Irish actress, born in 2001 in Wexford, Ireland. Her full name is Abby May Fitzmaurice. She has been acting since she was 4 years old. Acting career: Ryan Tubridy's "Late Late Toy Show" advert (2009). Ispcc's advert and Poster Campaign (2016). Holly Reid, in season 2 of the German TV series "Der Irland-Krimi" (2021). Ellie Woods in the Irish horror film "The Cellar" (2022). Cara Lockley in the TV Mini Series "Redemption" (2022). Alison in "Double Blind" (2022, post-production). Training: Drama Workshop Programme from the Waterford Youth Arts organisation (WYA).
When is Abby Fitz birthday?
Abby Fitz was born on January 01, 2001.
How old is Abby Fitz?
Abby Fitz is currently 24 years old.
How tall is Abby Fitz?
Abby Fitz is 5′ 3″ (1.60 m) tall.
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