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Profile Bio: Who is Yoshihiro Takayama?
Yoshihiro Takayama is a Japanese professional wrestler and mixed martial artist. Takayama is well known for his ability to endure massive amounts of punishment, especially after his fight at PRIDE 21 against Don Frye. He is one of two men to hold all 3 of puroresu's major heavyweight titles (the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, the Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship, and the GHC Heavyweight Championship), the other being Kensuke Sasaki.
When is Yoshihiro Takayama birthday?
Yoshihiro Takayama was born on September 19, 1966.
How old is Yoshihiro Takayama?
Yoshihiro Takayama is currently 58 years old.
How tall is Yoshihiro Takayama?
Yoshihiro Takayama is 6′ 5″ (1.96 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Yoshihiro Takayama?
Yoshihiro Takayama zodiac sign is Virgo.
Where is Yoshihiro Takayama from?
Yoshihiro Takayama Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Yoshihiro Takayama nationality?
Yoshihiro Takayama Zodiac: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Known as the Japanese Hulk Hogan. Was a Professional Wrestler.
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