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Profile Bio: Who is Woodrow Wilson?
Woodrow Wilson, 28th president of the United States of America (1913–21). A scholar and statesman, best remembered for his legislative accomplishments and his high-minded idealism, who led his country into World War I and became the creator and leading advocate of the League of Nations, for which he was awarded the 1919 Nobel Prize for Peace.
When is Woodrow Wilson birthday?
Woodrow Wilson was born on December 27, 1856.
How old is Woodrow Wilson?
Woodrow Wilson is currently 168 years old.
How tall is Woodrow Wilson?
Woodrow Wilson is 5′ 11″ (1.80 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
The only US President buried in Washington, DC. The first sitting President to attend a World Series game (1916) and the first President to officially throw out the first ball at a World Series game. In his younger days he was an acquaintance of ex-Confederate general Robert E. Lee.
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