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Profile Bio: Who is Waleed Elgadi?
When is Waleed Elgadi birthday?
Waleed Elgadi was born on November 18, 1978.
How old is Waleed Elgadi?
Waleed Elgadi is currently 46 years old.
How tall is Waleed Elgadi?
Waleed Elgadi is 5′ 10″ (1.78 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Born in Khartoum, Sudan to Sudanese-Egyptain parents with Turkish and Iraqi ancestry, he moved to the UK aged 11 with broken Americanised English. Gained a scholarship aged 16 to the drama six form college Hurtwood House School in Surrey, England, whose alumni has included Hans Zimmer and Emily Blunt.
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