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Profile Bio: Who is Vinny Vella?
When is Vinny Vella birthday?
Vinny Vella was born on January 11, 1947.
How old is Vinny Vella?
Vinny Vella is currently 78 years old.
How tall is Vinny Vella?
Vinny Vella Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Vinny Vella?
Vinny Vella zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Where is Vinny Vella from?
Vinny Vella was born in Greenwich Village, New York, USA.
What is Vinny Vella nationality?
Vinny Vella is originally from USA.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Robert De Niro was the best man at his wedding. Lived in the same building as Martin Scorsese's late mother Catherine Scorsese (with whom he shared a memorable scene in the film Casino (1995)). Has appeared in several films with good friend Joseph Rigano.
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