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Profile Bio: Who is Ulf Brunnberg?
Hans Ulf Brunnberg, born April 7, 1947 in Bromma parish, Stockholm, is a Swedish actor.
When is Ulf Brunnberg birthday?
How old is Ulf Brunnberg?
Ulf Brunnberg is currently 77 years old.
How tall is Ulf Brunnberg?
Ulf Brunnberg is 5′ 11½″ (1.82 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Ulf Brunnberg?
Ulf Brunnberg zodiac sign is Aries.
Where is Ulf Brunnberg from?
Ulf Brunnberg was born in Bromma, Stockholm, Stockholms län.
What is Ulf Brunnberg nationality?
Ulf Brunnberg is originally from Stockholms län.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
In the early seventies, he got this review after the Stockholm opening of Neil Simon's nude play Oh, Calcutta!: "Brunnberg has the biggest one.". One of Sweden's most celebrated comic actors in numerous stage plays during the 80s. In the beginning of the 90s he took time off from theatre for a brief career as a local politician in Lidingö, Stockholm.
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