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Profile Bio: Who is Tushka Bergen?
Tushka Bergen (born 13 October 1969) is London-born Australian actress who worked in Australia, England, Germany and the United States. Her mother is New Zealander Beverley Bergen, a soprano opera singer and scriptwriter. Her father is Anthony Hose, a conductor and pianist. She is married to CNN International presenter John Vause, with whom she has one daughter.
When is Tushka Bergen birthday?
Tushka Bergen was born on October 13, 1969.
How old is Tushka Bergen?
Tushka Bergen is currently 55 years old.
How tall is Tushka Bergen?
Tushka Bergen is 5′ 3¾″ (1.62 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Daughter of English music conductor Anthony Hose and New Zealand opera singer Beverly Bergen. Both divorced and re-partnered. Educated in schools in England, New Zealand, Australia and Germany. Lives in Los Angeles, California, but calls Sydney, Australia, home.
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