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Profile Bio: Who is Tony Bancroft?
Tony Bancroft has spent the past 16 years developing his skills as an Animator/Director with Walt Disney Feature Animation, Sony Imageworks, and currently with Toonacious Family Entertainment, his own animation studio. In 2001, with his two partners, Tony started Toonacious Family Entertainment, as Executive VP/Creative Production. Using his 16 years experience in the animation industry, Tony has helped to make Toonacious an animation studio committed to producing quality family entertainment. -IMDB
When is Tony Bancroft birthday?
How old is Tony Bancroft?
Tony Bancroft is currently 57 years old.
How tall is Tony Bancroft?
Tony Bancroft Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Tony Bancroft?
Tony Bancroft zodiac sign is Leo.
Where is Tony Bancroft from?
Tony Bancroft was born in Orange County, California, USA .
What is Tony Bancroft nationality?
Tony Bancroft is originally from USA .
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Is the identical twin brother of animator Tom Bancroft. Owns a Christian animation company called "Toonacious".
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