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Profile Bio: Who is Tina Krause?
Tina Krause was born on July 29, 1970 in Queens, New York. Krause graduated from the School of Visual Arts in New York City with a degree in Graphic Design and 3D illustration. Tina worked as an artist and graphic designer prior to embarking on an acting career after being discovered by director/producer Gary Whitson at a spring Chiller Theatre horror convention in New Jersey in 1994. Besides acting primarily in horror films, Krause has also worked as a model and continues to work as a graphic designer in between acting assignments. Tina directed her first movie in 2001. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
When is Tina Krause birthday?
How old is Tina Krause?
Tina Krause is currently 54 years old.
How tall is Tina Krause?
Tina Krause is 5′ 2″ (1.57 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Tina Krause?
Tina Krause zodiac sign is Leo.
Where is Tina Krause from?
Tina Krause was born in Queens, New York USA.
What is Tina Krause nationality?
Tina Krause is originally from New York USA.
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