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Profile Bio: Who is Tiia-Ester Loitme?
Tiia-Ester Loitme (born 19 December 1933 in Tallinn) is an Estonian conductor. 1944-1949 she studied the piano at local music school (was a part of Tallinn State Conservatory). In 1949 she and her family was deported to Siberia. In 1956 she returned to Estonia. In 1965 she graduated from Tallinn State Conservatory in choir conduction speciality. 1965-1975 and 1987-2006 she worked as a music teacher and choir conductor at Tallinn English College. Since 1970 she has been the conductor for girls' choir Ellerhein.
When is Tiia-Ester Loitme birthday?
Tiia-Ester Loitme was born on December 19, 1933.
How old is Tiia-Ester Loitme?
Tiia-Ester Loitme is currently 91 years old.
How tall is Tiia-Ester Loitme?
Tiia-Ester Loitme Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Tiia-Ester Loitme?
Tiia-Ester Loitme zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
Where is Tiia-Ester Loitme from?
Tiia-Ester Loitme Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Tiia-Ester Loitme nationality?
Tiia-Ester Loitme Zodiac: Currently Not Available
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