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Profile Bio: Who is Theresa Lee Yee-Hung?
Born in Hong Kong, Lee moved to Canada with her parents at a young age. After completing her education at a Canadian university, she decided to return to Hong Kong and compete in the city's "Miss Hong Kong" beauty pagent. Her acting career was given a head start after receiving second runner-up in the competition and she was subsequently offered many tv and movie roles.
When is Theresa Lee Yee-Hung birthday?
Theresa Lee Yee-Hung was born on February 25, 1970.
How old is Theresa Lee Yee-Hung?
Theresa Lee Yee-Hung is currently 54 years old.
How tall is Theresa Lee Yee-Hung?
Theresa Lee Yee-Hung is 5′ 6¼″ (1.68 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Theresa Lee Yee-Hung?
Theresa Lee Yee-Hung zodiac sign is Pisces.
Where is Theresa Lee Yee-Hung from?
Theresa Lee Yee-Hung Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Theresa Lee Yee-Hung nationality?
Theresa Lee Yee-Hung Zodiac: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Second Runner-up of Miss Hong Kong (1994)
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