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Profile Bio: Who is Thea Rubley?
Thea was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado on May 3, 1989. The youngest of five siblings, and the daughter of an opera singer, Thea and her sister, Anna Rubley, began performing at a young age. In order to continue her education in the arts, she enrolled as a BFA Theatre Major at the University of Southern California. She graduated in 2011, and currently lives in Los Angeles, actively pursuing a career in the arts.
When is Thea Rubley birthday?
How old is Thea Rubley?
Thea Rubley is currently 35 years old.
How tall is Thea Rubley?
Thea Rubley Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Thea Rubley?
Thea Rubley zodiac sign is Taurus.
Where is Thea Rubley from?
Thea Rubley was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.
What is Thea Rubley nationality?
Thea Rubley is originally from USA.
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