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Profile Bio: Who is Ted Wass?
Ted Wass (born October 27, 1952) is an American television director and former actor.
When is Ted Wass birthday?
Ted Wass was born on October 27, 1952.
How old is Ted Wass?
Ted Wass is currently 72 years old.
How tall is Ted Wass?
Ted Wass is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Best known by the public for his roles as Danny Dallas on Soap (1977) and as Nick Russo on Blossom (1990). Children with Janet Margolin: composer Julian Wass (born 1981) and Matilda (born 1990). Daughter with Nina Wass: Stella (born 26 November 2004). Son of Robert Henry Cantzler (1918-1959) and Gail Lenore Shannon (1922-2012).
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