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Tanyaradzwa Fear's social media profiles
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Profile Bio: Who is Tanyaradzwa Fear?
When is Tanyaradzwa Fear birthday?
Tanyaradzwa Fear was born on December 29, 1989.
How old is Tanyaradzwa Fear?
Tanyaradzwa Fear is currently 35 years old.
How tall is Tanyaradzwa Fear?
Tanyaradzwa Fear is 5′ 4″ (1.63 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Born in Zimbabwe to a Zimbabwean mother and an English father. They later moved to the UK. Inspired by Thandiwe Newton, who went by the name "Thandie" for most of her career until 2021, she returned to her given name Tanyaradzwa. In August 2022, she announced her retirement from acting.
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