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Profile Bio: Who is Syd Vanderpool?
Syd Vanderpool is a professional boxing coach and held the NABO title; he was ranked #1 in the world in 2004 by the International Boxing Federation. After retiring from competitive boxing in May 2005 with a professional record of 35 wins and 4 losses with 23 ko's, Vanderpool became the CEO of the Boxing By Syd Athletic Centre in Kitchener.
When is Syd Vanderpool birthday?
Syd Vanderpool was born on September 23, 1972.
How old is Syd Vanderpool?
Syd Vanderpool is currently 52 years old.
How tall is Syd Vanderpool?
Syd Vanderpool Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
He was a professional boxer. Syd "The Jewell" Vanderpool. His brother, Fitz Vanderpool is a professional boxer too.
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