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Profile Bio: Who is Susan Yeagley?
Susan Melinda Yeagley (born February 27, 1972, height 5' 8" (1,73 m)) is an American actress. Yeagley married fellow actor Kevin Nealon on September 3, 2005 in Bellagio, Italy. She gave birth to their first child, son Gable Ness Nealon, on January 29, 2007 in Santa Monica, California. She can also be seen as the God-loving prostitute Pillow in the Kerri Kenney-Silver "Dame Delilah" web series.
When is Susan Yeagley birthday?
Susan Yeagley was born on February 27, 1971.
How old is Susan Yeagley?
Susan Yeagley is currently 53 years old.
How tall is Susan Yeagley?
Susan Yeagley is 5′ 8″ (1.73 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Susan and Kevin Nealon were married in Lake Como, Italy, with 4 people in attendance. Photographers crashed their wedding ceremony, thinking that Matt Damon was the groom. Susan's first acting job was at the age of 11, when she starred in an Amy Grant music video. She was paid $25 and an Amy Grant album. Susan and her husband, Kevin Nealon, became the parents of a boy, Gable Nealon, on January 29, 2007 at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica.
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