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Profile Bio: Who is Susan Hogan?
Susan Hogan is a Canadian Actress.
When is Susan Hogan birthday?
Susan Hogan was born on January 01, 1951.
How old is Susan Hogan?
Susan Hogan is currently 74 years old.
How tall is Susan Hogan?
Susan Hogan Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Susan Hogan?
Susan Hogan zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Where is Susan Hogan from?
Susan Hogan was born in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.
What is Susan Hogan nationality?
Susan Hogan is originally from Canada.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Met her future husband, Michael Hogan, at the National Theatre School of Canada. With husband Michael Hogan played roles of husband and wife in The Christmas Secret (2014), The Christmas Note (2015) and in Nevermore (2009). Starred with husband Micheal Hogan (Battlestar Galactica) as mother and father to their real-life son Gabriel Hogan in Heartland.
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