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Profile Bio: Who is Susan Cookson?
Susan Cookson is an English television actress. She was a cast member of BBC One's BAFTA-winning medical drama Casualty, playing Dr Maggie Coldwell and played Tanya in both series of the Craig Cash and Phil Mealey sitcom Early Doors on BBC Two.
When is Susan Cookson birthday?
How old is Susan Cookson?
Susan Cookson is currently 59 years old.
How tall is Susan Cookson?
Susan Cookson is 5′ 4″ (1.63 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Susan Cookson?
Susan Cookson zodiac sign is Taurus.
Where is Susan Cookson from?
Susan Cookson was born in Manchester, England.
What is Susan Cookson nationality?
Susan Cookson is originally from England.
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