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Profile Bio: Who is Sonny Shroyer?
Sonny Shroyer was born in Valdosta, Georgia, a small city on the Georgia-Florida border. Shroyer, whose given name is Otis Burt Shroyer Jr., grew up steeped in the traditions of the deep South. He worked in the tobacco warehouses pushing tobacco buggies and helped his father in their fruit stand-ice cream parlor business. His prowess in high school football landed him a football scholarship at Florida State University (he later ended up playing football in the movie The Longest Yard (1974) with another FSU football player, Burt Reynolds). However, his football career was cut short by an injury, and Shroyer finished his education at the University of Georgia, where he earned his degree in business.
When is Sonny Shroyer birthday?
How old is Sonny Shroyer?
Sonny Shroyer is currently 89 years old.
How tall is Sonny Shroyer?
Sonny Shroyer is 6′ 2½″ (1.89 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
He worked in the tobacco warehouses pushing tobacco buggies and helped his father in their fruit stand-ice cream parlor business. Has two sons, Chris and Mark. Lives in Valdosta, Georgia. In July 2004, he was a guest at the Western Film Fair in Charlotte, North Carolina, along with Stella Stevens, Andrew Prine, Heather Lowe, Lane Bradbury, and Jeremy Slate.
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