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Profile Bio: Who is Shanina Shaik?
Shanina Shaik (born 11 February 1991) is an Australian model.
When is Shanina Shaik birthday?
Shanina Shaik was born on February 11, 1991.
How old is Shanina Shaik?
Shanina Shaik is currently 33 years old.
How tall is Shanina Shaik?
Shanina Shaik is 5′ 9″ (1.75 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
She is of Pakistani and Saudi Arabian heritage on her father's side and Lithuanian on her mother's side. (June 7, 2019) Separated from her husband of 13 months Greg Andrews. Shaik is an ovo-pescetarian who adheres to a heavily plant-based diet. She also eschews soft drinks like soda and fruit juice.
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