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Profile Bio: Who is Shakara Ledard?
Shakara Ledard (born February 21, 1979, ht. 5'9") is a Bahamian model and actress based in New York City. She's known for her work in the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue and for Maxim. She has been featured in music videos for Justin Timberlake, Usher, and Babyface. She has also appeared in the movies After the Sunset, The Defender, Prey for Rock and Roll and Full Clip.
When is Shakara Ledard birthday?
Shakara Ledard was born on February 21, 1979.
How old is Shakara Ledard?
Shakara Ledard is currently 45 years old.
How tall is Shakara Ledard?
Shakara Ledard is 5′ 9½″ (1.77 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
She moved from the Bahamas to the United States at age 14. Born to a Bahamian mother and a French father, who own several upscale clothing boutiques. She grew up in Nassau, Bahamas.
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