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Profile Bio: Who is Ser'Darius Blain?
Since graduating from The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts in 2009, Ser’Darius hasn’t stopped working. He’s guest starred on Meet the Browns, NCIS, The Vampire Diaries, Super Fun Night and was a regular on ABC Family’s “Jane By Design.” After booking a lead role in Paramount Pictures’ 2011 remake of “Footloose” directed by Craig Brewer (Hustle and Flow/Black Snake Moan), Ser’Darius also landed a supporting role in JJ Abrams’ highly anticipated Star Trek sequel; “Star Trek Into Darkness.” 2013 proved to be Ser’Darius’ best year yet when he landed lead roles in 3 feature films! The highly talked about “Camp X-Ray” starring Kristen Stewart made its debut to a sold out crowd at The Sundance Film Festival on 1/17/14. Sony Pictures’ “When the Game Stands tall” and Chain Reaction film’s “Maybe Someday” will be released later this year. A talented and rising star, Ser’Darius Blain continues to hone his craft and follow his passion for creativity and achievement.
When is Ser'Darius Blain birthday?
How old is Ser'Darius Blain?
Ser'Darius Blain is currently 37 years old.
How tall is Ser'Darius Blain?
Ser'Darius Blain is 6′ 3½″ (1.92 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Ser'Darius Blain?
Ser'Darius Blain zodiac sign is Pisces.
Where is Ser'Darius Blain from?
Ser'Darius Blain Zodiac: Currently Not Available
What is Ser'Darius Blain nationality?
Ser'Darius Blain Zodiac: Currently Not Available
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