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Profile Bio: Who is Scott McNeil?
Scott McNeil (born September 15, 1962 in Brisbane, Australia) is an Australian-born Canadian voice actor. He is most well-known as the voice of Piccolo in the Canadian Ocean dub of Dragon Ball Z and Rattrap, Dinorobot and Waspinator in Beast Wars: Transformers, among other roles.
When is Scott McNeil birthday?
Scott McNeil was born on September 15, 1962.
How old is Scott McNeil?
Scott McNeil is currently 62 years old.
How tall is Scott McNeil?
Scott McNeil is 5′ 9½″ (1.77 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
His favorite role is reported to be Dinobot from Beast Wars: Transformers (1996). Provided four distinctly different voices for four characters on Beast Wars: Transformers (1996) - Predacon flier Waspinator, Maximals Rattrap, Dinobot and Silverbolt, more than any other actor provided for the series. Often does multiple voices when he does voice over work.
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