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Sarah Catherine Hook

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Profile Bio: Who is Sarah Catherine Hook?

Sarah Catherine Hook is an American actress and singer. Born and raised in Montgomery, AL, she went on to SUNY Purchase College to pursue a degree in Vocal Performance: Opera where she received her Bachelor of Music. During her time at Purchase, she began to pique her interest in acting and attended the Atlantic Theater Company Summer Intensive. Since then, she has continued to take both acting and singing courses around New York. Sarah Catherine is known for The Conjuring 3, Law & Order: SVU, and Living in Harmony Sodastream.

  • When is Sarah Catherine Hook birthday?

    Sarah Catherine Hook was born on April 21, 1995.

  • How old is Sarah Catherine Hook?

    Sarah Catherine Hook is currently 29 years old.

  • How tall is Sarah Catherine Hook?

    Sarah Catherine Hook Height: Currently Not Available

  • What Zodiac sign is Sarah Catherine Hook?

    Sarah Catherine Hook zodiac sign is Taurus.

  • Where is Sarah Catherine Hook from?

    Sarah Catherine Hook was born in Montgomery, Alabama, USA.

  • What is Sarah Catherine Hook nationality?

    Sarah Catherine Hook is originally from USA.

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