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Profile Bio: Who is Sanam Saeed?
Sanam Saeed is a British-Pakistani actress, singer, and former model, who works in Urdu cinema and television. She made her debut with a supporting role in Daam (2010) and quickly established herself as a household name by starring in the romantic drama Zindagi Gulzar Hai (2013), the role which secured her numerous awards. She has received critical acclaim for her portrayal of unconventional characters, from Christian single mothers to troubled vengeful women. Since a lot of her television shows rank among the highest rated Pakistani television shows, Sanam Saeed has been established as one of the leading actresses of Pakistan .
When is Sanam Saeed birthday?
Sanam Saeed was born on February 02, 1985.
How old is Sanam Saeed?
Sanam Saeed is currently 40 years old.
How tall is Sanam Saeed?
Sanam Saeed Height: Currently Not Available
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