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Profile Bio: Who is Samuel E. Wright?
When is Samuel E. Wright birthday?
Samuel E. Wright was born on November 20, 1946.
How old is Samuel E. Wright?
Samuel E. Wright is currently 78 years old.
How tall is Samuel E. Wright?
Samuel E. Wright is 6′ 2½″ (1.89 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Samuel E. Wright?
Samuel E. Wright zodiac sign is Scorpio.
Where is Samuel E. Wright from?
Samuel E. Wright was born in Camden, South Carolina, USA.
What is Samuel E. Wright nationality?
Samuel E. Wright is originally from USA.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Portrays Mufasa in Disney's Broadway version of The Lion King (June 2001) He was retired and lived in Walden, New York. Ran his own drama school called Hudson Valley Conservatory in Walden, New York (August 2012)
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