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Profile Bio: Who is Rose Reynolds?
Rose Alice Reynolds (born 21 February 1991) is a British actress and singer. She is most known for her roles as Sarah Durkin in Wasted, Betty Carkeek in Poldark and Alice in Once Upon a Time.
When is Rose Reynolds birthday?
Rose Reynolds was born on February 21, 1991.
How old is Rose Reynolds?
Rose Reynolds is currently 33 years old.
How tall is Rose Reynolds?
Rose Reynolds is 5′ 6″ (1.68 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Good friends with fellow actress, Tiera Skovbye. They met when they worked together on the TV show, Once Upon a Time (2011) and even lived together in LA. Trained at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama. Is a trained personal trainer and Pilates instructor.
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