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Profile Bio: Who is Robin Davies?
When is Robin Davies birthday?
Robin Davies was born on January 16, 1954.
How old is Robin Davies?
Robin Davies is currently 71 years old.
How tall is Robin Davies?
Robin Davies Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Robin Davies?
Robin Davies zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Where is Robin Davies from?
Robin Davies was born in Tywyn, Merionethshire, North Wales.
What is Robin Davies nationality?
Robin Davies is originally from North Wales.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Dyed his hair red to play Edward "Carrot" Bennet in the first series of Catweazle (1970). He is survived by his wife, Venetia Vivian, and their three children including one son and two daughters. He was a fluent Welsh speaker. From the age of 12 in 1966 to 1969, he trained at the Ada Foster Stage School, in London, England.
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