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Profile Bio: Who is Ricco Fajardo?
Ricco Fajardo is an actor known for his roles in My Hero Academia (2016), Fire Force (2019) and Ultraman Blazar (2023). Ricco studied musical theater at UC Irvine. He then trained in classical acting at Southern Methodist University. After completing his graduate studies, he stayed in Texas & found himself living as well as working regularly in so many different ways. From shooting movies, TV shows, commercials, doing voice work, getting physical w/ motion capture, dance, fights, stunts, traditional theater, hosting live events & teaching the occasional acting workshop-he does it all. A lover of all the creative mediums involving the body & voice (& his cats), he's constantly cultivating himself to be ready for whatever artistic endeavor's coming next.
When is Ricco Fajardo birthday?
Ricco Fajardo was born on October 26, 1983.
How old is Ricco Fajardo?
Ricco Fajardo is currently 41 years old.
How tall is Ricco Fajardo?
Ricco Fajardo is 6′ (1.83 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Ricco Fajardo?
Ricco Fajardo zodiac sign is Scorpio.
Where is Ricco Fajardo from?
Ricco Fajardo was born in San Jose, California, USA.
What is Ricco Fajardo nationality?
Ricco Fajardo is originally from USA.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
American voice actor. Graduated from UC Irvine w/ a degree in musical theater (2009). Graduated from Southern Methodist University w/ an MFA (2012).
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