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Profile Bio: Who is Renée Asherson?
Dorothy Renée Ascherson, known professionally as Renée Asherson, was an English actress. Much of her theatrical career was spent in Shakespearean plays, appearing at such venues as the Old Vic, the Liverpool Playhouse, and the Westminster Theatre. Her first stage appearance was on 17 October 1935, aged 20, and her first major film appearance was in The Way Ahead (1944). Her last film appearance was in The Others (2001).
When is Renée Asherson birthday?
How old is Renée Asherson?
Renée Asherson is currently 109 years old.
How tall is Renée Asherson?
Renée Asherson Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Renée Asherson?
Renée Asherson zodiac sign is Taurus.
Where is Renée Asherson from?
Renée Asherson was born in Kensington, London, England.
What is Renée Asherson nationality?
Renée Asherson is originally from England.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Stepmother of John Donat. Aunt of writer Neal Ascherson, who is the son of Renée's half-brother from her father's first marriage in 1900. She died only 13 days before her Rasputin: The Mad Monk (1966) co-star Richard Pasco.
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