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Profile Bio: Who is Rageh Omaar?
Rageh Omaar is a Somali-born British journalist and writer. He was a BBC world affairs correspondent, where he made his name reporting from Iraq. In September 2006, he moved to a new post at Al Jazeera English, where he presented the nightly weekday documentary series Witness until January 2010.
When is Rageh Omaar birthday?
How old is Rageh Omaar?
Rageh Omaar is currently 57 years old.
How tall is Rageh Omaar?
Rageh Omaar Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Father of three children, named Loula (22), Sami (21) and Zachary (17) (ages in parenthesis, as of Oct 20th 2023).
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