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Profile Bio: Who is P.J. Soles?
Pamela Jayne Soles is a German-born American actress. She made her film debut in 1976 as Norma Watson in Brian De Palma's Carrie before portraying Lynda van der Klok in John Carpenter's Halloween and Riff Randell in Allan Arkush's Rock 'n' Roll High School. Wikipedia
When is P.J. Soles birthday?
How old is P.J. Soles?
P.J. Soles is currently 74 years old.
How tall is P.J. Soles?
P.J. Soles is 5′ 5″ (1.65 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
In her death scene in the horror movie Carrie (1976), she is knocked unconscious by a wild water hose; in real life, the hose tore her eardrum. Resided in several foreign countries while growing up. Sang "Rock and Roll High School" with the rock group Ramones at one of their concerts.
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