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Profile Bio: Who is Pippa Guard?
Pippa Guard is an actress best known for her TV and stage work. Her sole film credit was the lead role in An Unsuitable Job For a Woman, the 1981 adaptation of PD James' novel. Guard now works as a lecturer and drama programme leader at the University of Greenwich.
When is Pippa Guard birthday?
Pippa Guard was born on October 13, 1952.
How old is Pippa Guard?
Pippa Guard is currently 72 years old.
How tall is Pippa Guard?
Pippa Guard Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Lecturer in Communication and Creative Arts at the University of Greenwich in London. (December 2009) Cousin of the cricketer Chris Goldie and the actors Christopher Guard and Dominic Guard. Former daughter in law of the theatre director Hugh Goldie.
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