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Profile Bio: Who is Phyllida Law?
Phyllida Law is a Scottish actress, the mother of Emma and Sophie Thompson.
When is Phyllida Law birthday?
How old is Phyllida Law?
Phyllida Law is currently 92 years old.
How tall is Phyllida Law?
Phyllida Law is 5′ 4½″ (1.64 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
She was made an OBE (Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in the 2014 Queen's Birthday Honours List for services to drama and charitable services. Mother of Emma Thompson and Sophie Thompson. She is grandmother to Emma Thompson's daughter, Gaia Romilly Wise. She is also grandmother to Sophie Thompson's sons, Ernest Lumsden (born in 1997), and Walter Eric Lumsden (born in 2000).
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