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Profile Bio: Who is Paulo Furtado?
Paulo Furtado, known by his stage name The Legendary Tigerman, is a Portuguese musician. Furtado played in various legendary portuguese bands such as Tédio Boys and Wraygunn. As The Legendary Tigerman, he started playing blues music in a one-man band style, accompanying his singing with guitar, harmonica and drums alone on stage. The band is now a 4 piece, fat drums by Sega, big horns by Cabrita and low bass by Pisco, and of course Paulo "Tigerman" Furtado on vocals and guitar. Furtado is also the lead vocalist and primary songwriter of the rock band WrayGunn and formerly played in the rockabilly group Tédio Boys.
When is Paulo Furtado birthday?
Paulo Furtado was born on September 09, 1970.
How old is Paulo Furtado?
Paulo Furtado is currently 54 years old.
How tall is Paulo Furtado?
Paulo Furtado Height: Currently Not Available
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