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Profile Bio: Who is Patrick Bergin?
Patrick Connolly Bergin (born February 4, 1951) is an Irish actor and singer. He may be best-known internationally for playing the menacing husband of Julia Roberts' character in the thriller Sleeping with the Enemy and is also known for his role as Irish terrorist Kevin O'Donnell in the film adaption of Patriot Games. Bergin also appeared as Robin Hood in a 1991 TV movie. He recently played the role of psychotic Provisional Irish Republican Army gunman in Johnny Was, opposite Vinnie Jones and Roger Daltrey. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When is Patrick Bergin birthday?
Patrick Bergin was born on February 04, 1951.
How old is Patrick Bergin?
Patrick Bergin is currently 73 years old.
How tall is Patrick Bergin?
Patrick Bergin is 6′ 4″ (1.93 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Was the first Irish actor to star in a film which grossed over 100 million - Sleeping with the Enemy (1991). He and Richard Harris were two of the only Irish actors to play Irishmen in Patriot Games (1992). The son a trade union activist and founder of a political theater, Bergin was born and raised in Dublin.
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