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Profile Bio: Who is Park Jin-joo?
Park Jin Joo is a South Korean actress. she made her acting debut in the hit 2011 film “Sunny.” She went on to star in many popular films and television dramas. She won Best Supporting Actress in SBS Drama Awards 2017 for her role in Reunited Worlds. (Source: Viki, Wiki)
When is Park Jin-joo birthday?
Park Jin-joo was born on December 24, 1988.
How old is Park Jin-joo?
Park Jin-joo is currently 36 years old.
How tall is Park Jin-joo?
Park Jin-joo Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Park Jin-joo?
Park Jin-joo zodiac sign is Capricorn.
Where is Park Jin-joo from?
Park Jin-joo was born in Muan, South Jeolla, South Korea.
What is Park Jin-joo nationality?
Park Jin-joo is originally from South Korea.
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