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Profile Bio: Who is Paddy Doherty?
Patrick "Paddy" Doherty is an Irish former bare-knuckle boxer. He is best known as one of the stars of My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding and as one of Danny Dyer's Deadliest Men. He won Celebrity Big Brother 8.
When is Paddy Doherty birthday?
Paddy Doherty was born on February 06, 1959.
How old is Paddy Doherty?
Paddy Doherty is currently 65 years old.
How tall is Paddy Doherty?
Paddy Doherty Height: Currently Not Available
What Zodiac sign is Paddy Doherty?
Paddy Doherty zodiac sign is Aquarius.
Where is Paddy Doherty from?
Paddy Doherty was born in Manchester, England.
What is Paddy Doherty nationality?
Paddy Doherty is originally from England.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
He is an Irish traveller and former bare-knuckle fighter. Paddy and his wife, Roseanne Doherty, had 10 children in total but 4 of their children - Helen, Mary Bridget, Elizabeth and Miley - died shortly after childbirth. His first born son, Patrick Simon Doherty (b. 15 June 1978), died in hospital aged 18 after sustaining injuries from a car crash on the 19 July 1996.
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