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Profile Bio: Who is Olga Sosnovska?
Olga Sosnovska was born on May 21, 1972 in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland. She is an actress, known for MI-5 (2002), Ocean's Thirteen (2007) and Human Target (2010).
When is Olga Sosnovska birthday?
How old is Olga Sosnovska?
Olga Sosnovska is currently 52 years old.
How tall is Olga Sosnovska?
Olga Sosnovska is 5′ 8″ (1.73 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Olga Sosnovska?
Olga Sosnovska zodiac sign is Gemini.
Where is Olga Sosnovska from?
Olga Sosnovska was born in Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland.
What is Olga Sosnovska nationality?
Olga Sosnovska is originally from Poland.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Has two children with her husband Sendhil Ramamurthy - a daughter named Halina Ramamurthy (b.2005) and a son named Alex Ramamurthy (b.2008). Parents imigrated to England when she was 11. Along with Eden Riegel, participated in the first same sex kiss ever aired on American Daytime Television in All My Children (in April 2003).
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