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Profile Bio: Who is Nicholas X. Parsons?
When is Nicholas X. Parsons birthday?
Nicholas X. Parsons was born on October 13, 1979.
How old is Nicholas X. Parsons?
Nicholas X. Parsons is currently 45 years old.
How tall is Nicholas X. Parsons?
Nicholas X. Parsons is 6′ 1″ (1.85 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Has worked as a private ABA Therapist for Autistic Children, a Special-Ed Teacher, and a Personal Aide for the Blind and Disabled. Was a volunteer for Central Florida Animal Reserve (CFAR) assisting with Lions, Tigers, and other Big Cats. To play the lead role of David Williams in Power of the Air, Nicholas had to cut off 13 inches of his hair.
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