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Profile Bio: Who is Nicholas Saputra?
Nicholas Saputra (born 24 February 1984 in Jakarta) is an Indonesian actor, model and VJ. Saputra is primarily known for his role in the break-out teen movie Ada Apa dengan Cinta?, as well as his role as the activist Soe Hok Gie in the film Gie. Saputra holds a degree in architecture from the University of Indonesia. As of 2007 Saputra has become a VJ for Channel V Asia, hosting such segments as 'The Ticket' and 'Screentime'.
When is Nicholas Saputra birthday?
Nicholas Saputra was born on February 24, 1984.
How old is Nicholas Saputra?
Nicholas Saputra is currently 40 years old.
How tall is Nicholas Saputra?
Nicholas Saputra is 5′ 10¾″ (1.80 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Studying at University of Indonesia (August 2002)
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