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Profile Bio: Who is Nataša Ninković?
Natasa Ninkovic was born on July 22, 1972 in Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia. She is an actress and producer, known for The Trap (2007), The Professional (2003) and Savior (1998). She is married to Nenad Sarenac. They have two children.
When is Nataša Ninković birthday?
How old is Nataša Ninković?
Nataša Ninković is currently 52 years old.
How tall is Nataša Ninković?
Nataša Ninković is 5′ 7″ (1.70 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Nataša Ninković?
Nataša Ninković zodiac sign is Cancer.
Where is Nataša Ninković from?
Nataša Ninković was born in Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia.
What is Nataša Ninković nationality?
Nataša Ninković is originally from Yugoslavia.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Godmother of Danijela 'Nela' Mihajlovic's daughter. She received award "Carica Teodora" at Nis film festival in Serbia (2007) for best actress for her performance of Marija in movie "Klopka". Auditioned for the role of Amira in Breaking and Entering (2006), which went to Juliette Binoche.
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