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Profile Bio: Who is Milan van Weelden?
When is Milan van Weelden birthday?
Milan van Weelden was born on December 14, 1980.
How old is Milan van Weelden?
Milan van Weelden is currently 44 years old.
How tall is Milan van Weelden?
Milan van Weelden is 6′ 9″ (2.06 m) tall.
What Zodiac sign is Milan van Weelden?
Milan van Weelden zodiac sign is Sagittarius.
Where is Milan van Weelden from?
Milan van Weelden was born in Zoetermeer, South Holland, Netherlands.
What is Milan van Weelden nationality?
Milan van Weelden is originally from Netherlands.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Lost 66 lbs 2 oz and build a lot of muscle for an upcoming movie project. Although he - being 6'9" - initially expected to mostly play villains, he is more frequently being cast as friendly humorous characters. He sometimes still performs in productions of the local theatre association where he started acting 23 years ago.
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