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Profile Bio: Who is Melinda McGraw?
Melinda McGraw (born October 25, 1968) is an American actress. She has starred in movies such as The Dark Knight (2008), Wrongfully Accused (1998), and Skateland (2010), and is also known for her television performances on NCIS, Mad Men, Men of a Certain Age, The X-Files, The West Wing and The Commish. McGraw has starred in The Pursuit of Happiness (1995), Soul Man (1997–1998), Living in Captivity (1998), Wednesday 9:30 (8:30 Central) (2002), and Center of the Universe (2004). Notable guest appearances include Quantum Leap, Night Court, Seinfeld, Cybill, The Larry Sanders Show, Mad About You, The District, The Practice, and Inconceivable. She has been featured in four episodes of Desperate Housewives as Annabel Foster.
When is Melinda McGraw birthday?
Melinda McGraw was born on October 25, 1963.
How old is Melinda McGraw?
Melinda McGraw is currently 61 years old.
How tall is Melinda McGraw?
Melinda McGraw is 5′ 7″ (1.70 m) tall.
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Has a daughter named Lucy Grace Pierson with her husband Steve Pierson.
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