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Profile Bio: Who is Mauritz Stiller?
Mauritz Stiller (Moshe Stiller) was a Finnish-Swedish film director, actor and writer, probably best known for discovering Greta Garbo and bringing her to America. With Victor Sjöström he created the production company AB Svensk Filminspelning in 1922. Stiller was a major force in the international film industry and recognized for his refined narrator structure with different fictional levels. He produced some 50 feature films between 1912-1928. After frequent disagreements with studio executives at MGM and Paramount, Stiller returned to Sweden, where he died soon afterwards. Stiller's contribution to the motion picture industry has since been recognized with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1713 Vine Street.
When is Mauritz Stiller birthday?
How old is Mauritz Stiller?
Mauritz Stiller is currently 141 years old.
How tall is Mauritz Stiller?
Mauritz Stiller Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
The son of Polish-Russian parents, he escaped to Sweden via Finland in order to avoid being conscripted into the Tsarist Army. Was an actor of the Swedish Theatre of Helsinki in his youth. Began as an actor with the Svenska Bio Company in 1911. Graduated to writing and directing the following year.
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