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Profile Bio: Who is Massimo Vanni?
A cousin of director Enzo G. Castellari and nephew of director Marino Girolami, Massimo Vanni became involved in the Italian film industry at a young age both as a bit-part player and stuntman before slowly graduating to larger more dramatic roles toward the end of the decade. A skilled acrobat and fight choreographer, Vanni himself became known as the Italian Jackie Chan of the 1980's, usually getting a good fight scene in before meeting with an inevitable demise.
When is Massimo Vanni birthday?
How old is Massimo Vanni?
Massimo Vanni is currently 78 years old.
How tall is Massimo Vanni?
Massimo Vanni Height: Currently Not Available
Interesting Trivia: Did you know?
Cousin of director Enzo G. Castellari He and Ottaviano Dell'Acqua have co-starred in 9 films together.
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